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The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that all local interactive user home directories are group-owned by the home directory owners primary group.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-72021 RHEL-07-020650 SV-86645r5_rule Medium
If the Group Identifier (GID) of a local interactive user's home directory is not the same as the primary GID of the user, this would allow unauthorized access to the user's files, and users that share the same group may not be able to access files that they legitimately should.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2020-01-02


Check Text ( C-72253r8_chk )
Verify the assigned home directory of all local interactive users is group-owned by that user's primary GID.

Check the home directory assignment for all local interactive users on the system with the following command:

# ls -ld $(egrep ':[0-9]{4}' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6)

-rwxr-x--- 1 smithj users 18 Mar 5 17:06 /home/smithj

Check the user's primary group with the following command:

# grep users /etc/group


If the user home directory referenced in "/etc/passwd" is not group-owned by that user's primary GID, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-78373r2_fix)
Change the group owner of a local interactive user's home directory to the group found in "/etc/passwd". To change the group owner of a local interactive user's home directory, use the following command:

Note: The example will be for the user "smithj", who has a home directory of "/home/smithj", and has a primary group of users.

# chgrp users /home/smithj